Create a plugin

Learn how to create a new plugin for Snapshot.

If the existing plugins do not fulfill the needs of your space it is possible to create a new one. Keep in mind though that at this moment we have a curated list of plugins that extend the core functionality of Snapshot and we want to make sure that their logic is written in line with Snapshot's values.

The development of new plugins should be coordinated with the Snapshot team.

1. Fork the snapshot repository

Create a fork of the snapshot repository:

2. Create a new directory and the plugin.json

Position yourself at the root of the project repository and run the below command to create a new directory for your plugin and provide basic details about it.

Make sure to update myPlugin with the name of your plugin (using camelCase naming convention), name and description to briefly describe what it does:

mkdir src/plugins/myPlugin && echo '{
  "name": "My Snapshot Plugin",
  "author": "My GH profile",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "A plugin to show how plugins are built.", # optional
  "defaults": {}, # predefined parameters, optional
  "icon": "", # URL for the icon, optional
  "website": "" # optional
}' > src/plugins/myPlugin/plugin.json

Thanks to the plugin.json file the plugin will be visible in the space settings.

You can check that by running the local server and heading to any space's settings.

Now it's time to add the logic to it!

3. Create plugin structure and logic

In order to display the plugin on Snapshot, you need to create its structure by using components. The below table is listing the available components with their render location:

Plugin component
will be rendered here:


below proposal content


proposal sidebar


proposal creation, plugins step

Within those components you can do everything you can do in any other Vue 3 component. You can split the code across multiple components and import them in one of the above, as well as create your own composables or other helper files to structure your code as you like.

It's technically not required but recommended to use Vue 3's composition API and the <script setup> syntax.

Let's have a look at the Proposal component example.


In order to display your plugin below the proposal content you have to create a Proposal component. Navigate to the plugin directory you have just created in the previous step and create a Proposal.vue file. You can start with a basic Vue.js single file component.

<script setup>
const msg = 'Hello world!'

  <h1>My Plugin</h1>
  <div>{{ msg }}</div>


To do something meaningful, a plugin will probably need some awareness of the current context (space, proposal, etc). This information is passed down to the plugin components as properties. A component on the proposal page, that needs the proposal's id can receive it in the following way:

<script setup>
  id: String // the current proposal's id

  <a :href="'https://...' + id"> ...

Here are all properties, that will be passed down to the plugin's main components:

Create form
Proposal page


form content

current proposal


space settings

space settings


preview enabled




proposal id route parameter



current voting results



whether voting results finished loading



used strategies

Only the main components (Create.vue, Proposal.vue, ProposalSidebar.vue) in your plugin's root directory will receive those properties automatically. You can of course pass those properties further down to other components as needed.

Existing components/composables

Any of the existing UI components in src/components, composables in src/composables or installed packages (like snapshot.js) can be used normally.

<script setup>
import { useWeb3 } from '@/composables/useWeb3'
const { web3Account } = useWeb3();

  <Block title='My Plugin'>
    <h2>Your Account: {{ web3Account }}</h1>

Config defaults

Most plugins will require some configuration options so that a space admin can enter information like their token address, API endpoints and others. Defaults can be defined in the plugin.json as follows:

  "name": "My Snapshot Plugin",
  "description": "A plugin to show how plugins are built.",
  "defaults": {
    "space": {
      "someURL": "https://..."
    "proposal": {
      "someParam": true

Under the "space" key you can define global config options. They can then be set in the plugin section on a space's settings like so:\

The "proposal" key let's you define options specific to a single proposal. This key must be set in order for the Create.vue component to be shown in the proposal creation process.


The interface supports multiple languages and new plugins should be built with that in mind. Don't use raw text strings in your plugin's components directly but use the t function instead:

  <h1>{{ $t('myPlugin.hello') }}</h1>

The actual strings need to be added in src/locales/default.json to be available for translators, in order to update the language specific files, like de-DE.json. You can add your strings on the highest level in default.json, under a unique key, e.g. your plugin's directory name and the translation will be done automatically.

  "myPlugin": {
    "hello": "Hello World!"

Learn more about localization in Vue here.

Numbers and relative time

Apart from vue-i18n, there are custom number and time formatters available in the useIntl composable.

<script setup>
import { useIntl } from '@/composables/useIntl';

const {
} = useIntl();

    {{ formatRelativeTime(1643350286) }} <!-- "5 minutes ago" -->
    {{ formatDuration(654) }}            <!-- "11 minutes" --> 
    {{ formatNumber(1643350) }}          <!-- "1,643,350" -->
    {{ formatCompactNumber(1643350) }}   <!-- "1.6M" -->
    {{ formatPercentNumber(0.86543) }}   <!-- "86.54%" -->

4. Create a Pull Request

Once your plugin is tested and ready to deploy, create a new Pull Request on the original snapshot repository. The review can take the team up to 72 hours, so please be patient 🙏

After the PR has been merged, you will need to wait for the release of a new version of Snapshot which can take a couple of days.

5. Test the plugin in production

Your plugin is now available on Snapshot! 🎉 Make sure to test it thoroughly in production before communicating to your community.

Last updated

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