Add a custom domain

By adding a custom domain to your space, you can whitelabel the Snapshot website and present your community with a fully branded governance experience. This feature allows you to display only your specific space at your custom URL and even customize colors to match your brand identity.


More than 400 DAOs already use custom domains for their governance, such as:


To enable this whitelabel experience, you must subscribe to our Turbo plan. Once your subscription is active, follow the setup process below.

Setup steps

1. Add a CNAME record

Go to your DNS provider or registrar and create a new CNAME record.

  • Host: your custom domain (for example,

  • Points to:

2. Contact us

After you have created the CNAME record, let us know you’d like to enable whitelabel. Reach out to us through our Help center, Discord, or Telegram.

Last updated