Customize your space settings, sub-spaces, manage access, voting strategies and validation and more!
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Customize your space settings, sub-spaces, manage access, voting strategies and validation and more!
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Navigate to your space settings from the space menu by clicking on Settings
If you have trouble finding the settings page you can manually navigate to it with the following URL:<YOUR-ENS-NAME>/settings
Space controller is the main account that is able to manage the space settings and assign other addresses as admins of the space. By default it's set as the ENS Controller address however you can change it to another address.
To replace the current space controller by a new controller click the Edit controller
You will need to sign a transaction on the Ethereum Mainnet to set the ENS text-record.
To complete your profile, you can upload an avatar/logo, enter a name for your DAO, a description, select up to 2 categories and other details. These settings can be changed at any time.
You can link your social media accounts to the space on Snapshot by typing in your account handle, i.e. @SnapshotLabs
If you don't know what a sub-space is head to Sub-spaces to learn more about them!
In order to connect the space with sub-spaces you need to set them up for both main- and the sub-space.
First create the sub-space as you would create a normal space. Once the sub-space is set up, type it's linked ENS domain name in the Sub-spaces input field. If everything went well, you will be able to click the +
on the right.
Head to the sub-space settings and type in the linked ENS domain name of the voting in the correct input field.
If you see a ❌ after typing the sub-space name it means that it cannot be found. Make sure that you have created the sub-space before adding it.
Specify how the voting power should be calculated by adding one or up to 8 strategies.
To learn more about what they are and how they work head to Voting strategies.
In order to specify who can manage the space or create proposals, fill in the apropriate field with addresses for:
Admins - able to edit the space settings and moderate proposals.
Authors - able to create proposals without any constraints Make sure that members specified in authors field are allowed to submit a proposal.
Each line should be populated with one address only. Do not add multiple addreses in one line and do not use separators like commas, dots or semicolons. You can add up to 100 addresses in each field.
Head to Space roles to learn more about each role.
You can provide guidelines and a template which will be displayed during the proposal creation:
To validate if someone can post a proposal or not you can use the basic validation by default which takes your voting power with space strategies and checks if you pass a defined threshold.
To learn what a validation is head to Validation strategies.
The voting delay is a value in time between the time of proposal creation and the moment when users are allowed to vote. The voting period is the duration that the proposal is active and votes can be cast. It is counted from the moment
Quorum is the amount of voting power collectively achieved by voters which is required for a proposal to pass.
You can enable Shielded Voting within your space if you want to enable partial privacy and reduce voter apathy. Shielded Voting designed by Shutter is enabling that by using threshold encryption. You can learn more about it in the technical overview.
In short, Shielded Voting is a voting setting in which the voters choices are private during the voting period and get revealed when the proposal closes.
To enable it head to Voting tab and select Shutter within the Privacy setting.
In the Delegation tab you can set a custom delegation contract to enable delegate discovery for your space:
Once set, the delegates registry will be visible in the Delegates tab in the Space page.
You can add a custom domain to your space by following the Add a custom domain guide.
If you want to apply a different design (skin) to your space, you have to set a custom domain first. Head to Add a skin to learn how to add a custom skin for your custom domain.
In order to link your organization's treasury to Snapshot you have to:
Choose the treasury network
Enter its Ethereum address
Fill in the name of that treasury.
It is possible to add multiple treasuries to one space.
You can customize your space even further with various plugins which provide extra features. To learn more about the plugins head to Plugins section.
Make sure to click the Save
button on top of the settings page to apply the changes to your space. Once you sign a message (gasless) in your wallet, changes will be applied!
If you are using a ticket strategy which gives everyone 1 vote regardless of their holdings, you are required to set up a Voting Validation. Head here to learn how to do it:
Due to multiple spam attacks on Snapshot each space is now required to set up a Proposal Validation. Learn how to do it in